Jill Windmill produces stoneground wholegrain flour on an occasional basis.
The vast majority of her flour is ground from wheat grown in Sussex.
Research has revealed that when Jill Windmill was working commercially, suitable wind conditions for milling occured, over the course of the year, on average on one day in four. In a good week she could produce twenty tons of flour !
Our modern-day Millers find that during most of our Open Day season (from May to September) the winds tend to be too light for milling, and as a result most of our stoneground wholegrain flour is produced in the Autumn and Winter months when stronger winds prevail.
Jill Windmill does however produce stoneground wholegrain flour from Sussex grain in the Summer months when wind conditions permit, and this flour is sold to visitors on Open Days.
Those wishing to be advised when stoneground wholegrain flour is next available at Jill Windmill are most welcome to e-mail us.