In addition to donations on Open Days and from Membership Subscriptions, we welcome donations both online and by post in support of our Charity's objectives.
Please click here for details on Membership and how you may help our Charity via Gift Aid.
Objectives and activities
Our Charity's objects are:
To promote the permanent preservation of the Mill at Clayton known as Jill (hereinafter called "the Mill") as a building of historical and architectural interest for the education and for the benefit of the public generally.
In furtherance of these objects, but not otherwise, the Charity may do all or any of the following things:
(a) To repair, renovate, restore or rebuild the Mill and generally maintain and develop it and the site thereof so far as the owners permit.
(b) To make such arrangements as are necessary to raise funds to finance their operations including subscriptions and loans, and covenants when the status of the Charity allows.
(c) To purchase, acquire and maintain furniture and other equipment, machinery, tools and appliances for use and display in the Mill, or on the site thereof.
(d) To make such arrangements as are necessary to enable the public to inspect and enjoy the Mill.
(e) To give organised and private lectures, talks, demonstrations and exhibitions to publicise any of the said objects.
(f) To print and publish and sell books, pamphlets and other material and documents concerning any of the said objects.
(g) And generally to do all things necessary for the attainment of the above.